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Using the Quick Edit function to update or edit products

“Streamline your product updates with the Quick Edit function”

Updating individual products can be a tedious process, especially if you need to make multiple small changes. The Quick Edit function allows you to make these changes quickly and easily, without having to open each product page separately. You can even use the Quick Edit function to make the same change to multiple products at once, saving you even more time. Whether you need to update product details, prices, or any other information, the Quick Edit function can help you do it efficiently.

“Access the Quick Edit function by hovering over a product”

To use the Quick Edit function, simply hover your mouse over a product in the product list. This will display a Quick Edit menu, which allows you to make changes to the product without opening the product page. From the Quick Edit menu, you can update various details of the product, such as the price, title, and description. This can save you time and effort when making small changes to multiple products.

Simply click quick edit

The quick edit will open inline for the chosen product without having to load a new page. Make the changes to the fields you wish to change and click update, All done!

Editing Multiple Products in Bulk

To edit multiple products at once, follow these steps:

  1. Select the products you wish to edit by checking the boxes next to their names.
  2. From the Bulk Actions drop-down menu, choose the action you want to perform.
  3. Click the Apply button to execute the action or enter edit mode

This process allows you to easily make changes to a group of products all at once, saving you time and effort.

If you “Move to bin” and click apply, all selected products will be moved to the trashcan and removed from the Website.

If you select “Edit” the bulk editing window will open inline and let you make the change you need to make. Please notice the changes apply to all selected products.

Make your changes and click update, ALL DONE!